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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Except they don’t. Example, my fiancee is a fine dining chef, and as such has to keep her fingernails trimmed pretty short. If she decided to do the long nail thing, she’d be told to trim them. If you want to wear a party dress or beach attire to your office job, guess what, you can’t. If you wear metal jewelry and are an electrician, that stuff stays in your locker or home, same for food service.

    Utility > vanity. If your aesthetic choices inhibit your ability to do your job, then you need to make different choices. This isn’t an accommodation for a disability or religious thing. If you want your appearance to get in the way of your work and it doesn’t impact your work, then you don’t need accommodation. If it’s uncomfortable then that’s your own damn fault.

  • Well dissecting corpses was considered sacrilegis because religious people, but it’s possible that they made it that wrong on purpose. Moral sensibilities are arbitrary and irrational, and in a society where they completely trump all things science, sometimes you got to make some compromises to squeak past the censorship. Honestly it’s not that different today, just in different places.

  • People are absolutely entitled to an opinion, but people are likewise absolutely entitled to disagree and/or disagree with it.

    Anyway people having an opinion is how regulations and rules get started.

    Don’t like regulations or controls? Tough shit. We live in an organized society consisting of large numbers of people. We’ve had thousands of years to figure this shit out, and one constant in all that time is that when you have a lot of people, you need a lot of rules.

    Tldr: People always have opinions and you can’t change that, so build a bridge and get over yourself.