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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • To be fair, if something is open by default or very easy to enable without informing about the risks, tons of people will have it exposed without thinking.

    It isn’t that “tons of people do it so it is normal and perfectly fine” but more “people don’t realize.” It also uses some nontrivial amount of resources to process and block those attempts, even if they never have a chance of getting in.

    There is yet a reason I can find to have it forwarded for home use. Need to ssh into a machine to fix it? VPN.

    There are plenty of secure web-based tools to manage your server without a VPN also.

  • And in all tiers: make an additional profit by selling your information without your consent (it has been decided in many courts that burying subtext deeply in forced terms of service isn’t consent)

    We are already paying them by letting them harvest our data, ads or not.

    Then they double or triple dip with the scenarios you describe. I am still paying them by being on their site with an ad blocker as they harvest my data and sell it to the highest bidder. Not to mention quadruple dipping with using our info and content without consent to train AI to sell.

    They use the argument “your data/art/photos/videos are freely posted on the internet, so we can use them how we please”. If they publish content openly on the internet, then we are free to do with it as we please.

    They can’t use the argument but say “no no no, it doesn’t apply to things WE put out”

    They are either pirating our content and data constantly or ad-blocking is not pirating.

  • I moved over 4000 miles away with overseas shipping on a pallet that traveled about half the distance in a truck by land.

    Here is how I did it:

    GPU in its original box since that was made for sea shipping.

    HDDs taken out, wrapped in foam, and put in boxes.

    Other components stayed in the case, but the case was filled with large air pocket packing material to support the air cooling block. Computer was then put in the original case box and stored with the orientation of the cooling block vertical. The side to side movement is eliminated with the packing material and less stress was placed. Safer yet would be to remove the cooler if it is air.

    If you have a glass side panel, make sure it is surrounded by packing material.

    That is it! Everything arrived in perfect condition except for some books which got wet from the humid saltwater air in an enclosed space.

  • The thing is, you can ONLY have a conversation with extremely like minded people. If you are not tip-of-the-left authoritarian, you are called a filthy lib and shunned.

    Sadly it just suffers the same syndrome as that conservative sub on reddit: “Anyone who doesn’t agree with me on every important and semi important point is literally the same as my worst enemy and I will fill their inbox with insults”

    I disagreed with the way they often brigade posts and they said I was “indiscernible from the racist, fascist party” from my country. Like they went through the effort of looking up where I was from and the political parties there to find the most right wing one to name call and insult me with lol. That says a lot about the community culture, in my opinion.

    It also has heavy Russian apologist content. Like, I even understand that MLs love China and excuse everything they do, but Russia is literally an right wing oligarchy with no health care and crippled social benefits that is led by an extreme right wing authoritarian fascist. I get that they are China’s ally by the enemy-of-my-enemy principle, but that doesn’t mean they are automatically good.