Mossy Feathers (They/Them)


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023

  • Humans being the goofy, weird, but kind-hearted cro-magnons of the galaxy/universe is one of my favorite tropes.

    Edit: if you want the exact opposite, try They Are Smol. It’s an sci-fi, hfy-parody shitpost. Humans have just as much of a instinct for ultra-violence as the other sapient species of the galaxy, if not moreso. However, humans are about half the size and possess about a quarter of the agility, speed and strength of their Dorarizin (big space wolves), Karnakian (big space raptors) and Jornissian (big XCOM vipers) counterparts.

    This means humans are utterly adorable and basically seen as cats if cats were intelligent apes.

    It also makes everyone else very concerned that humanity’s first response is to fuck things, and our second response is to fuck things. They’re concerned about our lack of counterbalace (aka a tail) and think we look very wobbly and clumsy. Finally, they’re very concerned about the fact that the entirety of the human race falls into the margin of error for the galactic census, which means that, like cats, they baby humans as much as they can without offending people.

    They’re also very amused (and sometimes very disturbed) by the fact that humans have a significantly higher penis-to-body ratio (still smaller than the aliens, but an alien-sized human would have a ridiculously large penis in comparison) and have a desire to fuck anything that moves (and yes, there is official interspecies smut on the author’s patreon lmao).

    I love this series so much.

    There’s also a more serious companion detective series by Frank Leroux (rip :c) called The Smol Detective (he also wrote some other, shorter Smolverse series as well as a standalone series called The Adventures of Iron Hu-man). It’s absolutely phenomenal.

  • I’m pretty sure it’s a joke to refer to some form of mysterious, unknowable power conducted by secretive practitioners or something. However, if you’re gonna get upset about it and accuse people of being bigots then you should probably be more specific about which religion you’re referring to and what’s wrong with their statement. There are a number of religions that get called “voodoo” like Louisiana Voodoo, Haitian Vodou, Hoodoo, and Juju. Some of these religions encourage secrecy, others don’t. Some incorporate magic, others don’t. Some use talismans, others feature spiritual possession, and so on.

    Edit: like, I’m not saying you’re necessarily right or wrong, but you gotta be more specific if you want to clear up misconceptions, and you have to make sure you have your facts straight. You can’t just say, “X is wrong/bad” and expect everyone to go along with it if they can’t see why it’s wrong or bad. Yes, you could just tell people to shut up and get with the program, but the kind of people who are willing to just “shut up and get with the program” probably are not going to be strong supporters because they don’t really understand what they’re supporting.

  • What’s worse is when you have an idea, don’t have any idea how to pursue it because you’re not a professional [career] and don’t have experience making whatever it is; and then you see a successful paper or product months or years later about that exact same idea, made by someone who actually knows what they’re doing.

    It’s frustrating yet validating. Frustrating because, “that could have been me”, validating because “I thought of the idea before it’d been developed too! I’m so smart.”

    I should start keeping a list of times when that happens. If I had a nickel for every time it happened, I’d have 2~3 nickels; which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened two or three times now.

  • I had a similar thought about AI; that it’s more like imagining something than actually drawing it. When you ask a program like stable diffusion to draw something, you’re basically asking it to imagine something and then you reach inside its head to pull the image out. I think that if AI was forced to draw the “ol’ fashioned way” then it’d be both better and worse. The results would be more “correct” but the actual quality would probably be worse. It’d also take it longer to get to the same level as a professional artist.

    There are a ton of shortcuts you can take in the digital world to save time; you’re basically a god limited only by your computer’s specs. You can do extremely complex things near-instantly. This saves significantly on training time when it comes to AI. An AI forced to learn how to do art the ol’ fashioned way would take significantly longer because it can’t take the same shortcuts.

  • I’m just amazed at the idea that a chemist would put anything in a lab near their mouth. Like, even ignoring acids, there are so many nasty chemicals that are toxic on a measure of parts-per-million or parts-per-billion that I’d be too concerned about accidentally getting a molecule on my lips. I remember reading about how dimethylmercury is so nasty that if you come into contact with it your only chance of survival is to grab a butcher knife and immediately hack off the contaminated limb (that’s kinda hyperbole, but it’s nasty shit).

    Then you have basically anything that contains fluorine.

    Maybe those were the days before they discovered the “instantly kill you dead with a single molecule” chemicals.

  • Right, but how many of those reactions were because the animal thought they were looking at another animal, as opposed to reactions because they’re seeing themselves in an unexpected place?

    I mean, I bet many animals can see their own reflection when they go to get water; if you only ever saw your reflection in puddles or lakes, it’d be potentially terrifying to suddenly see yourself materialize in the middle of the jungle.

    Edit: imagine going about your day and suddenly your reflection just appears. You’ve never seen your reflection somewhere other than the surface of the water; and that was distorted and ripply. Now your reflection is in the jungle, clear and lifelike, without a drop of water in sight. This is potentially a huge change in your little world. Your mind breaks and reality crumbles. Your awareness comes and goes, hypnotized by your reflection as you hiss in fear. You are not sure how long it has been. Seconds become hours, you live, staring into the abyssal depths of your own pupils. What eldritch horrors lay behind those eyes? What monster could distort reality in this manner? So much time has passed over such a small timespan. You’ve lived out thirty lives now. Thirty cycles of life, death and rebirth. Suddenly, time snaps back and in a moment of lucidity, you smack the mirror and your reflection distorts, freeing you from your reflection’s spell so you can run away and live another day.

    You know, something like that.