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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2024


  • I tried navidrome but the issue I ran into is that it would not play individual songs or sort through them, it would just play my albums in alphabetical order.

    And I don’t know as far as jelly fin goes, I like it as a video platform but for music I couldn’t get it to just randomly display the songs and let me shuffle through them.

    I’m looking for a music server that can see all of my songs and music and shuffle them and play them. Does anything like that exist?

  • Consumerism requires that consumers be obsessed with the quest for the best.

    They achieve that by making you dissatisfied with your current whatever. Your car doesn’t have the latest and greatest entertainment system. It’s five horsepower slower than the new model, due to its age it has maintenance requirements.

    Your computer maxes out at 64 gigs of RAM. Your SSD is only 1 TB of storage and only works at 5,000 megabits per second where state of the art is 7,700.

    The new game that you like will only get 60 frames per second when you’re playing it. Better slap in a new $1,000 GPU or better yet buy a new $3,500 computer.

    The girl you’re seeing only has b cup titties, better talk her into getting a boob job. Get lipo. Go pay some surgeon $10,000 to make your dick a quarter of an inch bigger. Go buy a new house and new clothes, go on that big vacation and make sure you put it on Instagram so everyone knows how good you’ve got it.

    As long as you are not content with your current lot, consumerism has achieved its goal.

  • If you would like to show people a great and easy way to try out some free and open source software on windows, I highly recommend ruckzuck.


    It’s an all-in-one downloadable portable that lets you browse through a large variety of the various FOSS programs that are available for Windows, conveniently sorted into their general use purpose and then with a quick easy blurb explaining what the software does and allowing you to install it with a couple of clicks.

    Further, if you already have some of this software installed, it will scan your system and if there is an update available it allows you to apply all of the updates with a single click.

    It has become my go-to software for setting up new computers, and I cannot recommend it enough.

  • It starts small.

    Use FOSS. If you have a few spare ducats, throw it the way of the developers who make the software you use.

    Encourage the use of FOSS at your work. Be a gentle evangelist for FOSS when it is appropriate and useful.

    Everyone doesn’t have to use Arch and hand code their own kernels to win. All that has to happen is for Microsoft and Apple to realize that their current superiority is under siege and that if they do not comply with the desires of their users they will eventually be ousted.

    Hopefully more people will start to use Linux. When there are more Linux users than Apple users that will be a good start, and with all of the enshittification Microsoft is adding to their flagship os, it has never been easier or more convenient to try a Linux.

  • I would say even one a year would be too much.

    That unless the business has failed and is no longer operating, for a merger and acquisition to occur they would have to petition the courts for permission first.

    Imagine the shit that Microsoft and Google and Adobe and Amazon would be doing if they had to start their companies from scratch and compete against the already extant players in the field?

    It would create so many jobs, and create an excess of consumer choice opportunity, lowering prices and fighting against inflation far more than a couple of percentage points on the interest rate index ever would.

    I’m tired of only being offered incredibly overpriced very shitty low quality options in every single category.

    We don’t need $100,000 cars. We need $5,000 cars.

    We don’t need $1,000,000 homes, we need $25,000 homes that anyone in America who works a full-time job regardless of if they’re slinging fries at McDonald’s or digging ditches can afford.

    We don’t need $100 a week grocery bills. We need $5 a week grocery bills.

  • There are vast differences between Windows home and Windows pro and Windows Enterprise editions as far as how easy it is to control and block off the annoyance ware that Microsoft builds into it.

    If you use deployment software to roll out your images after standardizing them and have a set image that you can deploy to a thousand computers as easily as one then it’s very simple to sign in with a local domain account and disable the windows things through a group policy and just start rocking and rolling whereas your average Windows home user is not going to even have access to GPO and we’ll have to tediously for each and every single computer every single time they reset it redo all of the things to disable all of Microsoft’s crap activation.

    They are not entirely different but definitely distinct versions of Windows and dismissing the home and non-enterprise users that their experience is inferior to your experience on the Enterprise side is what I’m saying is disingenuous